Vickie Andros, PharmD, is Director of Clinical Services, and Jake Caines is Senior Director of Commercial Strategy and Performance, both at Curant Health.
The Top Barriers to Patient Persistence
And ways pharma can help overcome these hurdles-and boost compliance rates across the full durations of treatment
Top Barriers to Patient Persistence
Curant Health directors discuss the barriers faced by patient adherence and what the industry can do to improve.
Building on Awareness to Improve Brand Adoption and Conversion Rates
Vickie Andros and Jake Caines discuss how to identify and overcome barriers that keep prescriptions from getting to the pharmacy, and most importantly, to the patient.
High Risk, High Reward: Understanding, Embracing, and Aligning on Risks in Your Next Outcomes-Based Contract
Shared understanding of both risks and benefits to all parties in the healthcare continuum is essential in order to deliver more value, write Vickie Andros and Jake Caines.