Pharma USA 2023: Conversational AI
In this interview, Arun Thachi, Director, Head of IT Marketing and Sales, Boehringer Ingelheim, discusses the AI journey in pharma.
Pharma USA 2023: Digital Therapeutics and Pharma
Using prescription digital therapeutics can lead to better outcomes for patients, making them a win-win for pharma and patients.
Pharma USA 2023: Changes to the Medical Affairs Function
Sunil Verma, SVP, Global Head of Oncology, Medical, AstraZeneca discusses how the Medical Affairs role will become more strategic and effective with data.
Pharma USA 2023: What Medicare Reform Means to Patient Access Network Foundation
Kevin Hagan, president and CEO of the PAN Foundation, spoke to PharmExec about the recent IRA changes that impact Medicare, as well as the Foundation's near-term goals.
Pharma USA 2023: Optimizing Your Modular Content Creation
How to build a modular content system to optimize content creation and delivery, Using Al-powered engines that know your HCP's viewing behavior, using discomfort as an advantage and much more.
Pharma USA 2023: IRA Impact on Patients
Kevin Hagan, president and CEO of the PAN Foundation, spoke to PharmExec about the recent IRA changes to Medicare and how it positively effects patients.
Pharma USA 2023: Digital Strategies to Captivate Your Audience Based on HCP Behavior
How media consumption is evolving and modifying digital and social strategies to best capture the behavioral changes of HCPs towards digital platforms.