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Beyond-the-Pill Programs Could Do Better, Say Study


November 13, 2015.

  • Surveying 100 neurologists about their preferences regarding patient support programs, a Beyond-the-Pill study by smartpatient (Munich, Germany) has revealed that while physicians appreciate the pharma industry’s support, they see substantial room for improvement.    The study states that, among physicians, there is perfect consensus on the importance of adherence: 100% believe that adherence with the treatment plan is a key success factor for a good outcome. Only a minority of doctors believes their patients comply with their treatment plans, however, and many think today’s Beyond-the-Pill programs underperform when it comes to educating patients and reminding when to take their medicine. To the question, "Are quarterly phone calls still the adequate tool for patient support in the year 2015?", the physicians surveyed reportedly preferred "an independent and product-neutral program that allows for daily touch points with the patient".


  • Adds smartpatient, "This is where digital tools such as apps can engage patients on a whole new level ... [U]nlike phone based programs, digital tools come with costs structures that allow their deployment also in less-expensive conditions."   For more on the study, see here.
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