Big Pharma Leaders Warn Against Brexit


January 25, 2016.

  Big pharma leaders have warned against a British exit from the EU ("Brexit"), reports the Financial Times.    At last week's World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, GSK's Sir Andrew Witty pointed to the benefits that pan-European regulation has brought to the industry, stating “Europe has gone from 27 fragmented, independent, not-talking-to-each-each-other regulatory authorities in the healthcare space to one. That’s a big deal.”   Eli Lilly head John Lechleiter has previously told the FT that it would be a “shame and a mistake” if Britain left the EU, while Dr Roger Perlmutter, head of R&D at Merck, said that Britain’s withdrawal from the EU would be “challenging” for its scientists, who had “benefited from a world where they receive grants from the EU".   See Pharm Exec's EU correspondent Reflector's take on the issue here.      

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