October 14, 2015.
Pharm Exec Editor-in-Chief William Looney was on hand to present the CPhI/PharmaBoardroom Award for CEO of the Year at a ceremony in Madrid, Spain, last night.
The Award was presented to Vivek Sharma, CEO Pharma Solutions, Piramal Enterprises Ltd. Piramal, one of India's large diversified companies, is a leading global player in custom research and manufacturing services (CRAMS) and has a strong presence in the OTC segment in India.
Entries for this year’s CPhI Pharma Awards covered innovations and new service offerings from across the pharmaceutical supply chain. As well as CEO of the Year, the awards, which received a record number of entries this year, comprised ‘Best Innovation in Packaging’; ‘Best Innovation in Process and Formulation Development’; ‘Excellence in Partnering & Outsourcing’; ‘Best Innovation in APIs and Excipients’; ‘Innovation in Supply Chain & Logistic Management’; and ‘Best Innovation in Manufacturing Technology.
Separately, CPhI Worldwide also introduced a special award to Novo Nordisk Pharmatech and Novozymes for the most sustainable stand – all elements of which are reusable, built out of modular systems with almost no waste.
The 2015 winners by category are
Rutger Oudejans, CPhI Brand Director, said: “Our judges spent the entire day rigorously interviewing all 16 finalists to ensure the most outstanding entries in each category were selected. But in the end, we had to pick just seven winners, a difficult task considering the quality of the entries.”
For more information on the CPhI Pharma Awards, please visit: http://www.cphi.com/awards/home