

List of available supplements...
Clinical TrialsGenericsGlobal Healthcare MarketingHealth Economics and Outcomes ResearchOncologyProfessional DevelopmentSales Environment



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Clinical Trials
New directions: geographical and technological advancements in CTM.
(March 2007)
Featuring sections on:Linking people, process and technologyBuilding alliancesFinding success in AsiaSelecting South AfricaAdvance from EuropeEDC: Are we missing the boat?The right equipmentNext stop Vienna

The generics market: a European overview.
(September 2006)
Featuring sections on:European overview: competition timeGrowth strategies: survival of the fittestPharma defence strategies: fighting fire with fireBiogenerics: the evolution of biosimilarsBranding and marketing: what's in a name?Branding and marketing: a new world orderLegal: balancing actsQ&A: Champion of industryQ&A: Courting consolidationMarket outlook: top five trends

Global Healthcare Marketing
Spreading the word: Healthcare marketing in the modern age
(October 2007)
Featuring sections on:The brand exchangeFocused and flexibleMaking a global vision workLeading the wayThe online consumerWired to the futureCo-ordinate your communicationsIn the public interestSeek first to understand

Health Economics and Outcomes Research
Optimizing HEOR: How health economics and outcomes research should fit in with your business strategy
(December 2007)
Featuring sections on:Budget Impact Analyses: The fifth hurdle?Evidence and effectiveness: redressing the balanceCommercializing HEOR: adding value

Staying ahead in the oncology market's golden age
(September 2007)
Featuring sections on:Riding the waveZero Sum Game

Professional Development
Can you go any higher? Career progression through professional development
(April 2007)
Featuring sections on:The cycle of successSurvival tacticsCareer connectionsBringing out the bestLearning the fast wayMini-MBAsBusiness classSimulation training

Sales Environment
The evolution of pharmaceutical sales: new models for a changing environment
(February 2008)
Featuring sections on:Sales forceCommercialisation models

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Biljana Naumovic