Oh Man, Avandia
All hell broke loose on May 21 when the New England Journal of Medicine released Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen's meta-analysis of 42 studies of Avandia, showing a 43 percent increased risk of heart attack.
The Acomplia story isn't ending. It's just beginning. Get ready to see what happens when a much-desired drug is marketed by people accountable to no one.
Good Tailoring
Personalized health communication enables marketers to vary the messages they deliver, and it increases their ability to motivate different patients to act
In Sync with California
Although pricey, serialization with RFID is expected to reduce logistical errors and address some aspects of supply chain security
Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way
If pharma is seen as a genuine contributor to the policy debate on comparative effectiveness, it could influence funding, pricing, and coverage decisions
Five-Year Survivor: European Edition
Says Roche UK CEO John Melville: "There is little difference in the incidence of cancer, in broad terms, across Europe, but cancer survival is very different"
Professional Promotion Through Patient Understanding
Though it may sound paradoxical, the most effective deployment of a patient-feedback program is within a pharmaceutical brand's professional promotions
Take Me to Your Leader
It's bittersweet being one of the leaders of an industry that is not sustainable," a top pharma CEO recently told Carolyn Buck Luce, Ernst & Young's global pharmaceutical sector leader. Bittersweet is a poignant word for a hard-driving exec to issue.
Connected Markets, Rob Dhoble
We'll see a more coordinated, worldwide platform not just for marketing, but for R&D and regulatory because of the harmonization that is slowly coming, primarily between Japan, Europe, and the United States
Culture Shock
What's old and established is in, what's new-and once interpreted as"better"-is out
Game On
With gaming technology, pharmaceutical companies can display immersive 3-D animation that allows doctors to explore inside an interactive environment pertaining to a drug's method of action
The Secret of My Success
Between the constant push for more government regulation of drug marketing and the conservative nature of the industry, the fast-paced world of pharmaceutical advertising doesn't seem too glamorous. But for one night every year, dozens of agencies and pharma companies take a walk down the red carpet to honor their peers at the annual PhAME Awards. Pharm Exec talked to some of the winners and industry insiders to take the current pulse of consumer advertising and find out what it takes to make an award-winning DTC ad.