For commercial success, you need a future-ready field force


Brand Insights - Thought Leadership | Paid Program

The industry’s focus on specialty products continues to have far-reaching commercial implications. Highly specialized treatments translate into fewer target healthcare professionals (HCPs) and smaller patient populations with complicated disease states and treatment journeys.

Identifying potential patients and their HCPs — and communicating effectively with them — has become more challenging than ever. Although the pandemic spurred greater use of digital omnichannel strategies, it hasn’t eliminated the need for personal promotion.

All these dynamics exist alongside the growing demand for commercial teams to do more with less. That pressure is poised to intensify due to the short- and long-term impacts of payer and policy reform.

Amid so many challenges and uncertainty, one thing is clear: the game has changed.

Optimized field force for hire

In the past, it made sense to deploy large sales teams to pursue big, broad markets, but today, you need an optimized field force pursuing much more precise targets.

To put it another way, sales forces used to function like soccer teams running hard and fast toward 192-square-foot goals. Today’s environment is more akin to playing darts; you need a smaller team equipped to hit targets only a half-inch in diameter.

Engaging a contract sales organization (CSO) is one way to accelerate the transition from “soccer” to “darts.” Outsourcing provides greater speed and flexibility compared to building and maintaining an in-house team. That’s because a CSO can more readily scale up during a launch and/or pivot based on emerging opportunities, competitive threats, or other market dynamics.

When you engage IQVIA’s Orchestrated Sales Specialist Solution, you get a field force equipped with powerful tools for identifying the right message at the right time for the right HCP.

Hit the bullseye with precise insights

People are the heart of IQVIA’s Orchestrated Sales Specialist Solution. Having identified the competencies for success, we recruit highly experienced reps and then train, coach, and support them for optimal performance.

Our reps are great on their own, but they’re even more effective when they have access to detailed insights on HCPs’ online research behavior and the clinical activity of their patients.

As part of our solution, IQVIA provides reps with precise, patented, and proprietary HCP insights based on clinical and digital behavioral data. We apply machine learning or business rules to clinical data — spanning prescriptions, diagnoses, lab results, and patient profiles — to help reps focus on HCPs caring for patients most likely to benefit from your therapy.

What truly sets IQVIA apart is the integration of HCP digital behavioral data — that is, insights into the medical content HCPs engage with online. These insights inform which messages are most likely to resonate and when you should deliver them.

After identifying unique patterns based on clinical and digital behavioral data, our platform alerts the field force, giving reps the benefit of the most complete picture of each HCP and their practice.

IQVIA’s Orchestrated Sales Specialists benefit from insights identifying when and which HCPs to engage with based on the patients they are seeing and the diagnoses they are making. Then, the specialists can dive deeper into topics that are most important to these target HCPs and identify when they are most likely to make treatment decisions.

In one case, these unique digital behavioral insights surface 2.5 times more opportunities compared to relying onclinical data alone. In another case, HCPs demonstrated a 20% lift in prescriptions when digital behavior data was used to deliver a relevant message which was complemented with personal engagement by a sales specialist.

The game has changed. To win, you need the right team using the right tools. Contact us to learn more about IQVIA’s Orchestrated Sales Specialist Solution.

Field force of the future