Digital Spending by Life Sciences Marketers to Grow to $14.25 BN by 2018


November 21, 2016

Life science companies will spend an average of 19% of their marketing budgets on non-personal digital channels by 2018, according to a study of 40 lifesciences companies in the US, EU, APAC, and China.   Indegene's Digital Savvy Pharma Marketer 2016 found that global marketers spent an average of 14.85% of their marketing budget on non-personal digital channels in 2016, with China and the USA leading at 33% and 31%, respectively. By 2018, 50% of marketers in China and 40% of marketers in the USA will spend more than 20%, the study forecasts.   Brand promotional emails, KOL webinars, and HCP portals are reported to be the top three preferred channels by the global marketers to engage HCPs. However, by 2018 KOL webinars, social media, and mobile apps are expected to become the most preferred channels of engagement.   The study can be downloaded here.  

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