Healthcare Industry "Bracing for Drastic Changes Under Trump Administration"


December 21, 2016

A recent article from Frost & Sullivan’s Visionary Healthcare Growth Partnership Service program looks at the possibilities unfolding over the next 100 days for the healthcare industry.   Repeal, Replace, or Rebrand? maintains that "translating [Trump's] bold campaign trail claims of 'repeal and replace' into legislative action can often be challenging with any established bill, let alone one as complex as the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As the ACA is built on a number of interlocking provisions and funding mechanisms, any unilateral actions proposed by the new administration must carefully take into consideration any potential secondary repercussions".   Visionary Healthcare industry analyst Kamaljit Behera comments: "Initially, rather than outright repeal, the Trump administration and Congress could simply defund certain aspects of the bill, as well as chose to not enforce certain punitive aspects of the bill."   The article also states that Tom Price and Seema Verma, appointed to lead the departments of Health & Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), respectively, "might have more authority to implement changes than any of their predecessors".   "As a former practicing orthopedic surgeon, Congressman Tom Price is expected to fight against measures that restrict the autonomy of physicians in determining the appropriate course of care for their patients. This notion creates a degree of uncertainty around the roll out of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) legislation, a bill that fundamentally changes how physicians are compensated when supporting Medicare beneficiaries".

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