Drugstore Vaccinations


Pharmaceutical Executive

Pharmaceutical ExecutivePharmaceutical Executive-06-01-2011
Volume 0
Issue 0

NicVAX is trying to buck the trend of smoking-cessation products' high failure rate

Quitting: Not if but when. Surveys show that most smokers (74 percent) want to quit, so it's not as much a question of "if" they should quit but "when" to do it—because they know how hard it will be. According to scientists, smoking is more addictive than cocaine, heroin, or alcohol.

Scott D Cotherman CEO | CAHG

While smoking-cessation products have created a $2 billion market, these products have shown a significant failure rate, with many people falling back into the habit.

Success, with NicVAX. Enter NicVAX, a nicotine conjugate vaccine. Four monthly shots can sufficiently block nicotine passage through the blood-brain barrier to prevent addiction for a full year, thus getting smokers through not only the initial and most challenging part of smoking cessation, but allowing sufficient time to break old lifestyle habits and transform into new ones as well.

The NicVAX Program can provide smokers with a smoking-cessation offering that aligns with their needs and lifestyle: a product that will enable them to effectively quit smoking, available at a location convenient to their daily routines, and at no out-of-pocket cost to them.

Bringing the vaccine to the smoker. Pharmacists are now authorized to vaccinate in all 50 states and have played an increasingly integral role in successful influenza immunization programs. Many pharmacies now actively market expanded offerings of immunization and "minute clinic" services. The NicVAX Program could well focus on pharmacy implementation to provide smokers with optimum access to the vaccine. Insurers could provide smokers with further incentive by waiving any copay for the vaccine.

Spreading the word. Bigger and more personal than any one celebrity could possibly speak to. As such, the product is an ideal opportunity for more powerful customer engagement through social media with both site and messaging tailored according to a smoker's segmentation, based upon demographic and psychographic profiles. Participants in the NicVAX Program need not feel alone in their efforts with access provided to online and pharmacy programs.

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