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Top Tweets from JP Morgan


As we wrap up the week in San Francisco, here’s PharmExec's brief rundown of some of the top tweets of the week from JP Morgan and Biotech Showcase.

PharmExec’s Top Tweets from JP Morgan

As we're wrapping up the week in San Francisco, here’s a brief rundown of some of the top tweets of the week from JP Morgan #JPM15 and Biotech Showcase #BTS15:

Here was an excellent preparation. It might be late now, but still useful for future conferences. How many times did you hear the following via Bruce Booth ‏@LifeSciVC: 

Things I Expect To Hear At #JPM15. http://t.co/9qUJaxAdOb Additions welcome

- Bruce Booth (@LifeSciVC) January 9, 2015



The conferences had an undeniable buzz and deals were on everyone’s minds. No doubt starting the week on Shire’s acquisition of NPS contributed to the mood:

Shire calls NPS acquisition stake in ground for aim to deliver $10bn in sales by 2020. $SHPG#JPM15

- BioPharm Insight (@BioPharmInsight) January 13, 2015

23andMe also contributed to the deals buzz. Two were announced leading into JPMorgan, and more have been signed. We’ll see what they announced next.

Starting with Matthew Harper’s:

The $60M deal between @23andMe and @genentech is huge news. As usual, @matthewherper has perceptive commentary: http://t.co/wUqFwxFrF3

- Daniel MacArthur (@dgmacarthur) January 6, 2015

And from Inc:

23andMe Exec: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet @lagoriohttp://t.co/XbIsti0ngW

- Inc. (@Inc) January 7, 2015


Conference zeitgeist

One overarching story for the conference - pressuring companies to broadcast breakout session. Was this public shaming successful for this year? Or maybe we’ll see changes next year?

.@bradloncar's quest to get every #JPM15 breakout session webcast: http://t.co/AmZRJ0UB0k (also a shoutout to @adamfeuerstein)

- Meg Tirrell (@megtirrell) January 9, 2015


CEOs not broadcasting their #JPM15 breakouts are poltroons. via @adamfeuersteinhttp://t.co/jPXQgEcQrU

- Matthew Herper (@matthewherper) January 7, 2015


Also on zeitgeist, payer activism. Everyday the question is, what are the payers going to do next, said Esperion’s CEO Tim Mayleben. “Who will payers set their sites on next? This is the first time I remember the buzz at JP Morgan being about Express Scripts,” Mayleben added.

A pair of tweets on the matter from Drew Armstrong (@ArmstrongDrew):

The @ExpressScripts CEO just said cholesterol drugs like pcsk9 are next price fight they'll try and force. $regn$amgn#JPM15

- Drew Armstrong (@ArmstrongDrew) January 13, 2015


People are paying attention to PBMs now. Look at $regn shares after $ESRX CEO mentions PCSK9 drugs at #JPM15: pic.twitter.com/PNiZwhKioP

- Drew Armstrong (@ArmstrongDrew) January 13, 2015


Misc tweets

Optimism was everywhere. Here, a look to the future from Ethan Perlstein who envisions thousands of drug candidates in trials for rare diseases:

I can see a not-too-distant future where 1000s of drug candidates are in clinical trials for rare diseases. #JPM15#BTS15

- Ethan O. Perlstein (@eperlste) January 15, 2015

Perlstein also had something to say regarding management board diversity:

If your Team, Management or Board is all middle-aged white dudes, you're doing it wrong. #JPM15#BTS15

- Ethan O. Perlstein (@eperlste) January 12, 2015


On regenerative med as the next big thing, ARM’s (Alliance for Regeneratve Medicine) state of the union was enlightening:

ARM State of the Industry Briefing at #BTS15 gives clear evidence regen med/adv ther are next big thing in biotech http://t.co/GpkBdiCqYX

- partnering360 (@partnering360) January 13, 2015


On Merck joining the mRNA frenzy:

News from early am: Merck Joins mRNA Frenzy, Bets $100m on Moderna http://t.co/akz1G6jFcx#JPM15@moderna_tx@Merck$MRK

- Luke Timmerman (@ldtimmerman) January 13, 2015


As the conference wains, I like the suggestion from John Carroll - clearly Thursday lost some muster - travel logistics, and hotel prices had many attendees leaving early:

#JPM15 should bus in grad students by the hundreds to make Day 4 look busier than it is. Maybe have a Day 4 special rate?

- John Carroll (@JohnCFierce) January 15, 2015

But there was still plenty of intrigue on the last day. Here, Feuerstin tweets on the evolving story of Sarepta’s eteplirsen:

$SRPT rebuttal slide #JPM15pic.twitter.com/GoV2Cfiogt

- Adam Feuerstein (@adamfeuerstein) January 15, 2015


If you have suggestions for more top tweets, please send them, or tweet @PharmExec or use #PharmExecTopTweets.

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