
Toby Cosgrove


The Real Value of AI in Healthcare? Strengthening the Doctor-Patient Relationship

Why empowering both parties with the tools and data they need to make clinical decisions should be a top priority in the AI renaissance—to bolster patient care and improve health outcomes.

Terry Branstad


Elevating ESG Message: Today’s Modern Investor is Key

How pharma companies can make sure their corporate strategy in ESG is appealing to younger generations—and aligns with the issues this large segment of sustainability investors care about most.

Daniel King and Simon Davies


5 Signs You Need Digital Healthcare Marketing Support

How far should your digital strategy reach? Daniel King and Simon Davies offer five signs that indicate you need better digital support.

Christian Hoyvald


The C-Suite’s Frontline Workers in Digital Change

How the CIO role has transformed and strengthened against the backdrop of COVID-19.

Susan Schwartz McDonald, PhD


Case Study: A Drug Launch into COVID Headwinds

Lessons to launch by during a pandemic—or otherwise.

Max Kelleher


A Look Back: The Life Sciences Industry in 2023 and a View for 2024

In the coming year, efficiency and automation will take center stage to maximize constrained resources but balancing sensible financial management with strategic investments will be vital.

Rotem Shor


The Role of AI in Digital Therapeutics

AI-enabled digital therapeutics have helped give new meaning to the term personalized medicine by tailoring not just the treatment itself, but the way that treatment is managed to the individual characteristics of each patient.

Lee Farrow


As the Life Sciences Industry Transforms, New Risks Emerge

Life sciences companies are collaborating more with technology enterprises, universities, and other groups, which is changing the landscape of the industry.

Rashida Salahuddin


Why Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Must Navigate Muddy Waters of ESG Requirements

Rise in demand for sustainable practices forces industry to be more proactive.

Hannah Schofield and Lavan Thasarathakumar


Blockchain, COVID-19 and the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

Hannah Schofield and Lavan Thasarathakumar discuss what blockchain is, how it could help improve pharmaceutical supply chains, and the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain in particular, and touches on where we are already seeing blockchain technology being used in this area.

Oracle Netsuite


How to Optimize ERP: Insights from Galera and Nabriva Therapeutics

*** Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 1pm EST | 12pm CST | 10am PST*** Industry leading ERP & MRP Solutions for Pharma. Join our informative Webinar with AdaptaLogix, the fastest growing NetSuite & Oracle partner, to learn more about the solutions that have been developed to meet mid-market pharma’s unmet needs. ***On demand available after final airing until Feb. 3, 2022***

Carolina Ahrendt


Why Program Management is the Key to Success for Life Science Companies

Delivering value with enterprise program management.

Leslie Rotz


Building a Plan for Digital Transformation in Medical Affairs

Leslie Rotz and Todd Parker outline four major steps in the Medical Affairs digital transformation journey.

Cheri Falvey


PREP Act Protections for COVID-19 Vaccine Liability

How PREP Act protections will apply to potential COVID-19 vaccine-related claims.



Measuring Speaker Campaign Effectiveness

Sales and marketing effectiveness of speaker programs is often one of the least understood aspects in the industry. Yet, pharma brands spent over $12.5 billion in 2022 to engage and influence with HCP-to-HCP activities. CMS’s Open Payments data is an overlooked tool to get greater visibility and create more strategic opportunities—while also enriching compliance. This paper explores how to filter and pinpoint critical data sets using browser-based technology to gain marketing insights from this data and measure competitiveness.¬

Harietta Eleftherochorinou


Navigating Disruption in the Metapharma Era

As the life sciences industry enters this next stage of growth, capitalizing on AI and digital transformation will be key to propelling innovation and ensuring that companies are prepared to tackle the challenges ahead.

Stacy Vaughn


Purposeful Partnerships for Post-COVID Era

Pharma should be the ‘glue’ that bonds healthcare organizations together to solve society’s most pressing challenges.

Caroline Eick, Brand Insights Contributor, Creative Director, CultHealth


Creative Solutions to the Healthcare Crisis

What can the industry do to create more equality in our healthcare system?



Beyond buzzwords – How to implement digital transformation

Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 11am, EST | 8am PST| 4pm GMT | 5pm CET If you want to transform to a secure, scalable SaaS platform with a modern, intuitive interface for complete control in configuring workflows for your ever growing list of techniques, modalities, and data types, this webinar is for you.

Jonathan Sharp


mRNA Technology: First COVID-19, Now Cancer

Having proved its efficacy against COVID-19, mRNA technology is positioned to combat another insidious human adversary: cancer.

Mac Bonafede, VP of Research Consulting, Veradigm


Comparing Registry and Electronic Health Record Data for Real-World Evidence Generation: Heart Failure as a Case Study

Contrasting the view of heart failure patients as seen from the perspectives of two large but distinct sources of real-world data: the Veradigm Cardiology Registry and Practice Fusion

Lorie Mody


Closing the Gaps in Pre-Approval Information Exchange to Accelerate Product Success and Patient Access

Gaps remain in the pre-approval information process leave payers without all of the information they need to make the proper decisions.