February 13th 2025
A look at the M&A and stock market pictures for full-year 2024—and the potential strategic implications for pharma and biotech ahead.
Pharma Bands Together to Share Information
April 30th 2008Bill Gates and Co. officially released Office for Business Applications (OBA) for the life sciences industry. This set of tools allows software developers to build applications that seamlessly connect back-end enterprise systems with MS Office programs.
Chantix Receives Additional Warnings
February 6th 2008Pfizer boosted warnings and prescribing information on its smoking-cessation drug Chantix in response to an early safety review by FDA. Side effects such as depression, suicidal thoughts, and odder-than-normal dreams have been attributed to use of the drug.
R&D Innovation: An Answer to Cancer
October 1st 2007Cancer R&D IS booming right now. At a time of poor ratings on both Wall Street and Main Street, pharma can at least point proudly to its oncology pipeline as proof that it still takes big risks to make big advances against big killers-and win. According to a recent IMS report, the cancer pipeline contains 380 compounds, with nearly 100 in Phase III. The long-established standard of care-surgery, radiotherapy, and chemo-is fast giving way to a high-tech array of targeted therapies. These molecules and antibodies are designed to block specific disease pathways, and they are proving both far more effective and far more tolerable than the sledgehammer status quo. Since 1996, the overall survival rate for patients has jumped by 30 percent, from one-half to two-thirds.