January 7th 2025
Guidance marks the regulatory body’s first on artificial intelligence applications in drug and biological product development.
How Can Pharma Companies Join the Digital Therapeutics Revolution?
August 23rd 2021More and more companies are joining forces with software developers to create innovative products. But many are learning the hard way that making next-generation digital therapeutics isn’t as easy as signing a partnership agreement.
Mastering Social Media for Medical Affairs
August 11th 2021Content generation on pharma companies social media channels started with sharing links to recent publications and conference presentations. But what is the next step? How can the industry evolve from data dissemination to true two-way engagement?
Building Healthcare Consumers’ Trust in Personalized Digital and Data-Led Services
August 2nd 2021The next few years will require life science companies to bring consumer-facing digital services to the core of their corporate competence, rather than leaving it at the periphery of their business capabilities.
What Does the Future of Work Look Like for America’s Biopharma Sales Force?
June 29th 2021Harvard Business School Professor Joseph B. Fuller talks about the future prospects for pharma sales forces as they face more restrictions on accessing their target physicians and looming concerns of automation.
A Single Source of Truth for KOL Mapping
June 8th 2021Coordination of KOL engagement is all but impossible if the information an organization collects about them is fragmented. What is needed is a centralized database that captures all information about an expert from the multiple touch points across functions and geographies.
Developing a “Diversity Mindset” for Change in Pharma
June 4th 2021Developing a diversity mindset may begin at the top levels of the organization, but building diversity into the entire drug development life cycle ensures that it is an ongoing priority and a natural requirement of engaging with external stakeholders.
Blockchain, COVID-19 and the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
May 12th 2021Hannah Schofield and Lavan Thasarathakumar discuss what blockchain is, how it could help improve pharmaceutical supply chains, and the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain in particular, and touches on where we are already seeing blockchain technology being used in this area.
Medical Affairs: Support Function or Competitive Advantage? How AI & NLP Can Ensure It is Both
April 28th 2021Treating medical affairs solely as a support function is penny-wise and pound foolish. With the advent of machine learning, the medical affairs team can innovate and perform their many functions better and more efficiently.